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Waste Streams – Tracing Romania's Tangled Trash
In the form of a sorting facility, the installation exposes the waste management system by analysing
statistics, policies, and legislations within Romania and across Europe.
The Weapons’ Reputation
The project questions the integrity of the arms trade as a
transfer of weapons among countries. In the form of a short documentary, "The Weapons' Reputation"
investigates the Yemeni civil conflict from the type of weaponry employed in the conflict.
The Terminal
The terminal-inspired video installation analyses the expansion of budget airlines from the ground:
the evolution of Ryanair’s 35 years
of activity is told through timetables showing the network of destinations and air bases.
The Names on the Moon
"The Names on the Moon" is a stroll on the lunar surface through its nomenclature system. The names
of streets,
cities, and countries are intertwined with the historical development of societies and cultures; but
what’s the procedure for naming satellites, stars, and planets?
Satellites Charts
The research examines current and past artificial satellites
orbiting around Earth, pointing out how our terrestrial life became so dependent on what we sent out
in space.
More than eight thousand satellites
are marked on a beeswarm plot: the chart acts as point of departure to explore space stories and
environmental issues.